Resolutions - An Update

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1. Definitely Quality not Quantity this year.

Now that was the plan and I certainly concentrated on higher D/T caches and went after fewer trads.

2. To complete my Jasmer list down to January 2001.

I didn’t do this and still have 2/01 and 3/1 left to do. The highlight was a 6/01 in Budapest that took some real planning to get out to.

3. To increase my “81”to three in each grid.

I didn’t do this one either and couldn’t even complete 2 in each grid as a 4.5/5 eluded me.

4. To improve my D/T ration at least to 1.9 each.

Yet another failure to report. I did raise my D to 1.84 but my T is languishing at 1.79.

5. To visit four new Geocaching countries.

Almost but still found wanting though. I added Slovakia, Turkey and Poland to the list.

Conclusion : I must do better.

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