Dismal Day in Dartford

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The clocks have gone back overnight so I have another hour of daylight this morning. I had planned to spend a couple of hours in Dartford clearing up some caches that I had been ignoring so far as they are in Kent. I need to bump up my cache total in the Garden of England so it seemed like a good idea. I hadn't counted on it hissing down but c'est va vie.

I parked up in Central Park for a multi icon series but got off to the worst possible start with the Central Park - Dartford Harriers trads. I couldn't find it. I had better luck at the - Move Like Jagger  multi but it was a bit to spot. I moved on to - Outdoor Theatre but one piece of information had been stolen so this multi was impossible.

I tramped over to - Park View and this trad was quickly found. I headed out of the park to try for the Poor Richard trad. I managed to drop the micro on the ground and was lucky to find it amongst the leaf litter. 😀

I retraced my steps into the park and headed up to the - Band Stand letterbox. This was an easy find but I remembered that the bandstand was a base of the a dawdle around Dartford AdLab series. There was a bonus cache for this one but it didn't make sense once I had visited all the bases so I saved it for further thought.

I walked up to the Send them to the workhouse trad. It was a very quick find but I dawdled for a while looking at the workhouse as workhouses are one of my subjects. I took a photo for my collection.😀

I worked out a route back to the car and saw that it passed by the 1/3.5 Regyptian Strut trad that had been on my wants list for a long time. I could see that I had to climb but checked the last log and it seemed that the finders hadn't actually found it although they had climbed and received permission from the CO to log it. So I wasn't going to try a risky climb and walked away.

Rupert had contacted me with the missing info for - Outdoor Theatre so armed with the coords I had a good look for the multi but it eluded me. I had walked around a rainy Dartford for a couple of hours now and the rain hadn't relented so it was time to head for home.

1 Letterbox 1 Multi 4 Traditional 5 AdLab


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